Friday 30 July 2010

august 2010 clothing catalog codes

hi guys ive been snooping a buit to much and lookminfg up stuff for august and ive got some codes for some of the items in augusts clothing catalog here they are but they qwont work untill tuesday.

star necklace : 184

jean jacket : 251

blue snakers : 357

girls pilot cap : 1072

pilot cap : 1073

red paisly banndanna : 1074

the sidecick : 1103

gold sunglasses :n 2010

aviator googles :  2011

golden fairy wings :  3025

test glider : 3027

fairy flight outfit : 4106

pilots jacket : 4107

orange hoddie : 4108

splater t shirt : 4109

baloon : 5042

kite : 5043

and thats it for now folks i will be back with some more soon see ya

here are some other item codes you can perm

blue glasses: 108

red glasses : 110

night vision googles :102

black parka : 243

red turtleneck : 225

black suit : 261

silver watch : 323

black sneakers : 352

divers helmet : 457

psa spy phone : 800

divers suit : 833

black zoot shoesd : 6008

and theres all the old items what are avalible to perm look out in future posts for more codes for  penguin storm!!!!!!!!!!

new edition

hi guys ec here yet again well oviously its my blog so it will always be me here anyway today i am realesing a new feature to my blog penguin storm yes thats right its the best club penguin hacker in the buisness but i wont have it on my blog untill tomorrow but i thourght i would give you so codes for items to enter on penguin storm these are codes for random items that can be permed.

item id: 7030 name: cumpuss pin.                                               

cp room trainer

hi guys ec back after a week away and in that time ive been doing some snooping and i found a wicked trainer where you view rooms from past partys and so on. ever wanted swf files on your computer then heres your chance.

Saturday 24 July 2010

july/august clothing catalog cheats

hay guys ec here im back after a little break and i come back with the cheats from the style catalog yey lets get started.

Thursday 22 July 2010

new cp code, book

hi peps ec hers today lets chat about the new book  what was added to the list if you don't have it don't fear here are the codes and how to get to them.

feild ops mission 6

hi ec at your service today im blogging about the field ops fianally ive created a way to get field ops on my site and heres this weeks location.Task: Search for the computer, then shut it down.

Description: Someone is using a computer to attack out system! the scanner is holding for now . search the island with other agents for the computer responsible and shut it down. hers a picture of the location.

location reclycling plant computer near the stairs.